Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Week 1 Update

Hello everyone!

A few quick updates to keep in mind as you post this week:

1) I've been reading your entries and most of you are doing a very good job. Remember the blog entry format I'm looking for, however: paragraph 1 should be some plot information (6-8 good sentences, while paragraphs 2 and 3 should focus on your reaction and analysis (6-8 sentences EACH). Lastly, you should finish with a short fourth paragraph that asks a question related to the book - something like "What would you do if..." or "Have you ever..." or "Why do you think..." and so on. Questions like "What do you think will happen next?" or "What did Bob do X?" are less interesting, so avoid them.

2) When leaving comments, you may find that some computers don't work. If this is the case, first try using Firefox instead of Internet Explorer. If Firefox still doesn't work, try another computer. You have until the end of the day on Friday to get your comments done, so you have plenty of time. Remember: I'm looking for a good-sized paragraph in response for each comment (6-8 sentences!) and don't keep commenting on the same journals.

3) Please use your journals for blogging. No games or other add-ons, please, and let's not use our blogs for negative comments like "English is stupid!" Thank you.

4) Remember, entries are due Tuesday and Thursday by the start of class and your comments are due by the end of the school day on Friday.

Have fun and give me some good, creative, thoughtful entries!

~Mr. Kirker

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Due Date Reminders!

Howdy, everyone!

A friendly reminder:

The first blog post of each week is due Tuesday by the start of class.
The second blog post of each week is due Thursday by the start of class.

Your three comments on your classmates' blogs are due Friday by the END of the day. Please leave comments on different blogs every time - don't just keep commenting on your friends' blogs!

Please refer to the example blog post for ideas on what you might write. Remember, the focus is on the analysis of the literature and your reaction to it, NOT simple plot summary!

Have fun with your blogs, but NEVER put any personal information or contact information ANYWHERE on your blog (posts, settings, etc.). Please make sure anything you add is school appropriate!

Blog on!

~Mr. K

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Please have fun and be creative with your blogs. That being said, a few ground rules...

1) Do not make any references to where you live. Safety is important.

2) Do not put any contact information in your blog or your profile - either your physical address or online contact information (e-mail, AIM, etc.)

3) Make sure everything you post in your blog AND profile is school appropriate!

4) No games or other time-wasters in your blog, please!

Keep up the good work, guys.

~Mr. K